Donation records can tell you a person’s affinity for a cause. Salary records and real estate values are useful in gauging a person’s capacity to give. But to really get to know your prospect you need to look at biographical data. Biographical data tells us about a person’s experiences and interests. It helps answer questions such us:

  • What are this person’s academic interests and qualifications?
  • How has this person’s careeer progressed?
  • What are his or her recreational interests?

CharityCAN has a wealth of biographical data ranging from press releases to academic qualifications. Biographical data sources in CharityCAN include:

  • Thomson Reuters corporate biographies and academic qualifications
  • ZoomInfo press releases and web refrences
  • Canadian Who’s Who biographies

Here is a short video walkthrough showing you how to access CharityCAN’s biographical datasets:

Edit Biographical Data in CharityCAN

Check out this video:

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